Monday 27 February 2017

Keith Negley

There is so much incredible work being produced all over the place at the moment. One of the most interesting practitioners is Keith Negley. His portfolio is HERE.
I thought it would be a good idea to look at his process and copy/emulate his style. There are numerous reasons for this: he uses a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, his illustration style is relatively simple and he imagines his subjects in a fun and unrealistic manner

To improve your mixed media and digital skills 
To proved a new, creative method of creating ideas.
To further develop your ideas in relation to your story

Copy a Keith Negley piece from Tough Guys.
To get started, scrub though my example above!
  • quickly but exactly, draw out the design - no rulers and spend no more that 10 mins. 
  • scan or photograph it
  • make 2 new A3 docs in Illustrator 
  • Place your drawing on one
  • Place the original on the other
  • using the pen and shape tools tool

Etc :)

Expected time
4 hrs


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