Friday 9 December 2016

Independent study - Collaging Silhouettes.

To improve your photography and Photoshop skills 

To gain an understanding of collaging silhouettes.
To further develop your ideas in relation to your story

I might be interesting to attempt 2 versions of this task. One using drawing and photos and the other just photos.
Create a sketchbook piece(s) using the 'collaging silhouettes' technique.
Draw or photograph one or more of your characters acting a scene. To have fun and get the most marks when photographing your characters, you must dress them and stage them properly - not just a Snapchat of your best mate.
Using either a craft knife or Photoshop layer mask, emulate the technique above.

Extra! Find other examples of artists who have used collaging or photo montage in an interesting way

Expected time
2 hrs

The start of the lesson, Friday 16th Dec.

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