Wednesday 9 November 2016

Hand-in for Interim Assessment

At this time in the course, Sixth Form tutors are expected to enter a grade to represent how you are coping with your chosen courses. For Graphic Communication, I will look at all of the work you have completed so far and how you are presenting it within your sketchbooks and Google Presentation.
Please ensure that you have looked at the GOOD PRESENTATION post.

The tasks that require presentation include:

Badges  (Drawings, research)
Badges (Work in progress)
Badges (Final designs)
Corita Kent, No-Staples Book (Work in progress, Pinterest screenshots)
Corita Kent, No-Staples Book (Final design)
Magazine cover copies (Work in progress, scamps)
Magazine Cover Copies (Final designs)
Your magazine cover (Drafts)
Your magazine cover (Photoshoot / illustration)
Deadline for hand-in: Monday 14th of November

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