Friday, 27 January 2017

Independent study - model and photography

Above is a random image I came across on Pinterest. What struck me was the juxtaposition between the simplified models within the real-life settings. 

To improve your model making and photography skills 
To further develop your ideas in relation to your story

Think of an element or scene from your story. Create some simple models that can be placed in a real life situation. 
Place them and photograph them in situ. Present the images (b/w or colour) and the models.
Think creatively - we are just making interesting ideas and images. 

Expected time
2 hrs

The start of the lesson, Friday 3rd Feb.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Drawings of subject / Exciting sketchbook design

Example of setting / character research from Youtube 

To draw, invent, draw, experiment, draw, enjoy and draw
To attempt new ways of recording your ideas and starting points
To liven up a drab sketchbook
To score marks for AO3 Reflective Recording

• Print off colour and BW examples of setting, character and iconography related    to your story. Feel fee to include the examples from the inky task. Size? 4 to      an A4 sheet ish.
• Use 4 double pages, draw 2 or more per page.
• Using a variety of drawing/painting mediums, attempt to reproduce elements     of the research photographs.
• Ensure that your pages are bustling with ideas. 

You will be graded on
Your pages should be brimming with interesting drawings, marks, mediums and ideas.
This is a dual task, so your final presentation needs to evidence excellent, creative and exciting presentation alongside inventive drawing.

Time needed
7 hrs. 4 in class, 3 in study time.

Start of lesson, Mon 30th of Jan

Friday, 20 January 2017

Independent study - Map

To introduce you to the wonderful world of maps.

Consider your story environment. 
Create a map of the most important spaces and building within the narrative. 
Work in any medium you wish.
Look at the section on the presentation and be inspired. 

What to hand in:

Jan 27th

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Antonia's Presentation

Here is a great example of how to produce a presentation. Your presentation should evidence that you have a creative mind, you're interested and investing the right amount of time.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Independent Study - Work in the style of the best of 2016

Look at the list of best Illustrators of 2016:

Create a scene from your story in the style of one the illustrators from the article.
Add some information or about the style, materials or process. For this, you will have to look further afield and read either their blog or an interview.

Deadline: Friday 20th of Jan

Friday, 13 January 2017

Acrylic Character Study

To practice another process
To understand the differences of using a monochromatic and/or limited palette.
To potentially complete an idea for the cover or page illustrations.

Task 1
Take a character — or more than one — and research a similar looking model / portrait from the web. 
Print off a black and white version, A5 sized examples are fine.

Work on A3 cartridge paper
Your palette should consist of white and black. Use the sandwich boxes.

Using the 'general to specific' painting method, paint your portrait. 
Please don't attempt to get the detail from the start, don't draw it. 
Successful outcomes — for this method — rely upon layers of paint. These will come from you attempting and then restating.

Task 2
As above, but this time, using colour.
Your palette should consist of one red, blue and yellow with white. 

Sketchbook and InDesign placement

Time needed
3 hrs each painting


Monday, 9 January 2017

January 16th Hand in

Hand in date for all work is the end of the lesson, Mon 16th of January.
Please ensure that you have presented the following:

Annotated story
Research (pinboards, photos)
Aspect to Aspect inking
Set of Photos
3 x inking sheets, final photoshop image (extra marks for placing it in your InDesign template)
Rationale (relate to final design)
Research (mood board)
Drafting (notebook scamping)
Sketchbook development (colour or texture ideas, or placed on examples)
Final design(s) 

Independent study
Contour line drawing of location
Character photofit
Collaging silhouettes
Table top
Hollis up to chapter 10
Articles: Books without words
Why I love comics
We don’t serve your type
The lure of illustrated children’s books
Readability vs Legibility

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Independent study - Table top

To improve your drawing and illustration skills 
To further develop your ideas in relation to your story

Think of a character from your story. What would their table or desktop look like? Think creatively - we are just interested in a great sketchbook page. Work in you favourite process.

Expected time
2 hrs

The start of the lesson, Friday 13th Jan.