Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Magazine Research

To source and collect similar artefacts that will act as models and stimulus for your design.

Using the web (Pinterest, google search etc), reference books and actual printed examples, collect together examples of covers and double page spreads (DPSs) that interest you in terms of design.

Tip: go into a town library and photograph the cover and DPSs. Failing that, try WHSmiths in Shrewsbury.

You have to get all of this stuff on your blog somehow. Try these methods:
Screenshot all of the Pinterest boards that you have collected.
Place all of your research photos into a Google Presentation (online powerpoint) and embed on your blog.
Make a physical scrapbook—photograph the separate pages.
Embed youtube / Vimeo videos on the subject of magazine design.

Checklist for assessment
Screenshots of pinboard (50+ pins)
Evidence of physical examples that have been photographed
Basically, the presntation needs to reflect that you have spent a lot of time and effort looking by yourself.


Brainstorming list - ideas for a magazine name.

Pic 1

Pic 2

To begin forming ideas for your magazine.


In your sketchbook, create a page of lists that evidence how you have arrived at the name of your magazine.
Start by using list titles like: Terms   Types  Tools  Classics   Adjective  Existing (see Pic 1)

Fill these lists by either using your knowledge of the subject or utilising the web to look on glossaries and terminology lists.
Then put the collected words into a thesaurus and see what you get.
Next, attempt to put these words together in different ways, maybe spell them differently. Fill a page.
This is the creative bit, don't feel restricted—the good ideas come when you let go a bit. (see Pic 2)

Photograph and post to your blog.

Checklist for assessment
Plenty of relevant and irrelevant, creative ideas / clear photo / at least 2 full pages—lay it out the same as I have, but include more / clear written work.

Start of Friday's lesson.

Mag Cover Photo

To work towards the copy of a magazine cover

Choose a magazine that has some interesting design elements and look closely at the image. You are to recreate the cover using a camera and Photoshop/InDesgin. 
In order for you to get a decent result you must take the image yourself. Although we can touch up and edit images in Photoshop, there is a limit to what the program can salvage from a bad image. Therefore your image must be as good as it can be. Same pose, similar models, similar clothes, similar background and most importantly, same lighting.

Post your contact sheet (what's a contact sheet?) to your course blog

Checklist for assessment
Plenty of trial and error when it comes to getting the correct pose.


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Magazine Covers - scamp copies

To further understand the part white space plays in a graphic artefact.
To become aware of how designers balance elements on a page.
Info: A 'scamp' is a first rough or mockup.

Gather a range of front pages from different types of magazines. This can be via Pinterest or your own examples.
In your sketchbook, draw 24 front pages.
Look at your example and loosely sketch the page. Pay close attention to the light and dark tones—allow your brain to 'threshold' the greys into either light or dark tones. See my measly example above.


Checklist for assessment

24 covers.

Time needed
Two hours.


Tuesday the 18th of October.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Reading task 2

To give you an overview of the history of Graphic Design in order to inform your written analysis work

Read the chapters 2 and 3 of Richard Hollis' - The History Of Graphic Design.
N.B. Don't be put off, use a dictionary and the web for help. You are entering the world of grown-up reading with big words and concepts — if you don't work at it, you won't get it. 
Take notes in your notebook.
Write down 6 questions about the text.
Answer 3 yourself and bring 3 in for me or the group to answer.

Photograph notes and post to blog.

Checklist for assessment
Detailed notes

After half term.